A Message from National Center President and CEO Chris James

Hello, and I hope I got a chance to see you at the 2022 Reservation Economic Summit, which wrapped up just a few weeks ago.

If you made it to Las Vegas, you were one of the more than 3,400 people who joined us in Las Vegas for our biggest – and best – RES to date. We heard from incredible speakers, from Cabinet Secretaries to rising stars in the entertainment industry. We honored the best and brightest across Indian Country. RES had incredible programming that took deep dives into the industries moving our economy forward. Our artisan market and trade show were the most impressive they’ve ever been.

On behalf of everyone associated with the National Center, thank you for helping to make RES the can’t-miss event in Indian Country.

The theme for RES 2022 was “Be the Change.” We talked a lot about what that means, and how change can create opportunity… That change doesn’t have to be an obstacle, and that you can help shape the change that is already occurring around you. Embracing change isn’t easy, but as I told the people gathered in Las Vegas at the end of May, RES is the easy part. Everything you need is right there at your fingertips – or maybe in the next conference room.

It’s what comes next that’s the hard part. To set goals, and hold yourself accountable for reaching those goals. To understand when you need to make changes or course correct. RES is an important step in process, but it’s only a step. But we do hope it will help set you on a path for success – on a path for change. The National Center is here to help you on your journey.

One last note. RES may be over but our work isn’t So stay tuned for information about upcoming events, including the Native Edge Institute Minnesota on Thursday, June 23. I Hope to see you (again) soon!

Chris James
President and CEO
The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development


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